End of the Week Lunch Post: The Ancient Map…Before and After


We are a traveling family, a map-loving family.

My father has led a life of maps, with an Master’s degree in geography and a series of map-related careers, from urban planner to writer of essays for encyclopedias. I first started dating my wife not long after she returned from a two-year journey through Asia. We’ve traveled together quite a bit now, both as a couple and with Ben. Maps are always the heart of any trip. Ben and I have made “antique” treasure maps for years, staining paper with dirt and coffee, rust and blood (my wife’s eyebrows go up when Ben and I rush to get one of our antiqued maps every time we cut ourselves, spattering our blood for maximum pirate-ness).

Oh! The Misadventures of Flapjack is one of the best things on TV. Seriously. It is an awesome mix of children’s and adult humor, like all good cartoons, from Bullwinkle to Warner Brothers. If you haven’t seen it, you should.

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