Monday Lunch Post: Lego! [UPDATED]


The Boy is a Lego fanatic. But most of his fascination is with the little minifigures and the endless possibilities for building characters. Some kids love building the exact designs described in the Lego instruction books, poring over the detailed charts to get every brick in its correct place. The vast number of expensive sets for pop culture properties like Star Wars, Batman, Harry Potter are terrifically detailed, and call for obsessive attention to detail.

Ben doesn’t care so much for the way things are supposed to be. Instead the sets are fodder for his own “movies.” He’ll create sprawling, multi-chapter scenarios, populated with dozens of characters who need to be cobbled together from various Lego bits. When he gets a Lego set, we build it once, to spec, then pull it apart and categorize the bits. We have plastic boxes with dividers, like tool boxes, to sort the pieces: heads here, torsos here, hair there. His creations are pretty fascinating.

How about if he can create one from scratch?

Ahhhhh, more sugar gliders, the wee little marsupial flying squirrels! Last time we saw them, they’d taken over the bodega, after attacking a shark. Truly amazing creatures.

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