category: journey


Lunch Post: The adventurer searches; the adventurer finds…[UPDATED]




Lunch Post: Arrrrrrgh, only one pirate can be captain… [UPDATED]

Arrrrrrrrgh. Pirates are excellent…or at least the semi-mythical swashbuckling kind are. more…

categories  ben,design,drawing,journey
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Lunch Post: Camping Incident [UPDATED]




Lunch Post: Subway Commute [UPDATED]

Today Ben is headed way up to Harlem to spend time with the family who babysat him when he was tiny. more…

Lunch Post: The Mummy UPDATED

It is inevitable that Lunch Posts get spilled on, crumpled, stepped on and…lost…. more…


Lunch Post: The Mummmmmmmmmmyaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggg

I gave the boy some choices this week, asking what sort of Lunch Posts he wanted. Today he called “Egypt.” I resisted the urge to try for a Hosni Mubarak post.



Lunch Post: Spooky Cavern [UPDATED]

The Kid has the whole week off from school, but we’re still managing to sneak in the Lunch Posts. I think the post speaks for itself.



A brief pause…

Thank you for visiting WanderMonster. We’re taking a bit of a pause while I travel, child-less, in Florida for a few days (the image below is from the Ringling Brothers Circus Museum). more…


Lunch Post: The Meanest Guy in Town [UPDATED]

I’m a sucker for genre media and am continuously thankful the Boy is enjoying them too. Monsters, robots, heroes, villains. more…


End of the Week Lunch Post: The Ancient Map…Before and After

We are a traveling family, a map-loving family. more…

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