First *Reverse* Lunch Post


This past week, Ben turned the Lunch Posts around and left *me* a sticky to complete.

He’s become a big fan of the obnoxious MAD show on cable, which has a bit with Rejected Toys, like a Transformer who becomes orthodontic headgear. Inspired by that, he left me this Lunch Post.

Surrounded by strong women, like his mom, Ben’s as baffled as I am by the “pink princess” disease that runs rampant through the little girl poplulation. Having a rude little boy can be fun when cutesy princess-y toy commercials come on, though he usually shrieks and frantically hunts for the remote to hit the mute button. My Lunch Post Rejected Toy is a sort of My Little Pony for the kind of daughter I’d like to have, if I had a girl.

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