Lunch Post #5


The Space Gorilla was looking for A OLIV TEDE BEAR [an alive teddy bear]The Space Gorilla was looking for A OLIV TEDE BEAR [an alive teddy bear]. And the gorilla says “HA I FAWND ONE”[Ha I found one]

The drawing’s kinda complicated, but there are two other space gorillas, one with a laser gun, in the distance to the right of the original gorilla. Both the live teddy bear and the gorilla are thinking about…someone.

At this point in first grade at PS 154, they’re working on standardizing the kids’ spelling, but in kindergarten they strongly encouraged idosyncratic spelling. The strategy is to get the kids comfortable with writing by removing the stress of spelling correctly. Because of that (I think) Ben uses a lot of writing in his drawings, making comic books and posters for imaginary movies.

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